AP Stats

  • AP Statistics introduces students to the major concepts and tools for collecting, analyzing, and drawing conclusions from data. Our emphasis will be on sound statistical thinking and communication of methods, results, and interpretations using the language of statistics. This is intended to be equivalent to an introductory non-calculus-based college course in statistics. Unlike many math classes you have taken previously, this course will require extensive reading of the text and a great deal of writing. A background in statistics is not required for this course.

  • This is an Advanced Placement course and as such, will expect and require college-level work. Having said that, let me also add that statistics is a very fun and empowering class (it’s pretty much my favorite topic in math). It’s all applied mathematics (if you’ve ever wondered “when will I use this,” this is the class for you; the study of statistics is all about applications). We’ll dip into politics, sports, medicine, sciences, and many other areas as we explore the use of data.

  • The course is divided into the following four broad conceptual themes: (1) Exploring data, (2) Sampling and experimentation, (3) Anticipating patterns, and (4) Statistical inference.

AP Stats Online Textbook

AP Stats Calendar

AP Stats Documents